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Sonnet BioTherapeutics requested an animation to help explain how their Fully Human Albumin Binding (FHAB) platform functions and the potential benefits of the platform over existing anti-tumor therapies. With vivid colors and key lighting details, the FHAB is clearly the star of the show in this animation.

Bone Marrow

The bone marrow produces blood cells, which are exported to the rest of the body through the vasculature present in the bone marrow.

Childhood Immunity

This image was incorporated into a larger curriculum aimed towards educating students about the organs and tissues of the immune system. View our animation showcase “HILLEMAN – A Perilous Quest to Save the World’s Children” to learn more about the immune system and how vaccines help combat devastating diseases.


Organoids can be made to resemble organs or tissues such as gut, kidney, pancreas, liver, breast, prostate, and even brain tissue, all complete with accurate micro-anatomy. Due to their amazing ability to self-organize into tissue structures, researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine have developed a way to grow organoid structures that mimic actual patients’ tumors, and allow our researchers to study how different cancers develop, change, and might respond to various drug therapies.


Pulsatile blood flow takes you on a ride as a red blood cell through the circulatory system in the Nanot animation. We begin the animation with the role of natural killer (or NK) cells as a part of the innate immune system that defends against cell malfunction as well as foreign particles (like bacteria or viruses). NK cells have a mechanism to identify and destroy damaged or diseased cells.

Precision in Animating Surgery

Dr. Parth Shah, the Director of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at the Thoracic Outlet Center at Hartford Healthcare’s Heart and Vascular institute asked XVIVO to create an animation of a surgery he performs to relieve a condition called thoracic outlet syndrome, or TOS. The details of the surgery were difficult to convey in regular conversation and diagramming …