The team at XVIVO Scientific Animation is hitting the road to showcase their newest capabilities in virtual reality (VR) for interactive medical visualizations. In the latest fully-interactive experience they’ve developed, running on an Oculus Rift, you are a drug delivery agent who is miniaturized and inserted into a cell. Once in the cell, your job is to stop mutated tyrosine kinases from signaling to the nucleus, thus preventing the cell from becoming cancerous.

XVIVO is best known for their captivating and rigorous medical animations, which they have delivered for hundreds of projects. With the availability of higher resolution VR headsets geared toward consumers, the time was right for XVIVO to enter the VR arena and use their extensive skills to develop immersive experiences in medicine.
VR has the potential to transform the field of medicine by providing alternate experiences to patients, simulations of disease states, and education about drug mechanisms, all in 3D. Just as with their conventional medical animation, XVIVO delivers memorable educational experiences and unforgettable promotional events through virtual reality. In addition, their robust programming capabilities allow them to partner with clients to develop VR tools for medicine using the Oculus Rift and HTC VIVE platforms.
Cellscape is an immersive, educational 3D virtual reality tour, which was recently developed by XVIVO, with a grant from the Google Making and Science Team, to take a look inside a human cell. Step inside a cell and experience it in action: Cell VR.
XVIVO has also developed VR projects for Shire (for XIIDRA® dry eye drops), Merck (for ZOSTAVAX® shingles vaccine), and Salix Pharmaceuticals. Every VR project at XVIVO combines scientific accuracy and incredible aesthetics to produce a revolutionary experience for the viewer.
Please contact us to learn more and schedule a demonstration. 860-721-9848