The Art and Science of Medical Animation: Behind-the-Scenes
Michael Astrachan
The Vaccine Makers Project, a program of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (VEC@CHOP) and Medical History Pictures (MHP), partnered up again with XVIVO to help develop two new animations, this time about how COVID-19 mRNA and viral vector vaccines work.
Here, we’ll show you what went on behind the scenes to make the COVID-19 vaccine animations.
COVID Vaccine Animation goes Viral!
Michael Astrachan
The Vaccine Makers Project, a program of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (VEC@CHOP) and Medical History Pictures (MHP) partnered up again with XVIVO to help develop two new animations, this time about how COVID-19 vaccines work. With the monumental task of helping people understand new information about COVID-19, we were honored and thrilled to put our passion for communicating science into these animation projects.
How COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Work – Vaccine Makers Project
Michael Astrachan
In partnership with CHOP, VMP and Medical History Pictures, XVIVO has created a series of animations that bring to life the detailed processes of how the human immune system fights diseases at both the cellular and molecular levels with the help of vaccinations. In response to ever-evolving conditions within the current pandemic, we have just completed the first of two new videos that explain specifically how COVID-19 vaccines work to prevent the disease.
Your Mouth, in Sickness and Health
Michael Astrachan
XVIVO Scientific Animation recently wrapped up an exciting project on the bacteria that are found …
XVIVO Founder on UCONN VR Panel
Michael Astrachan
This week, XVIVO’s Founder and Creative Director, Michael Astrachan, spoke on an invited panel of …
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