Novocure – TTFields: from Science to Life – Touch Screen Application
Jordan Maire
This touch screen program was featured at Novocure’s booth at the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting. The application provided an interactive experience for viewers as they learned about Tumor Treating Fields through select videos, simulations and clinical data.
Cell Power Virtual Lab Experience
Jordan Maire
XVIVO helped Vroggo take the traditional Science Lab to a whole new level. Students travel on an immersive virtual journey inside the human body. Their mission: to save a living human cell by helping mitochondria make energy.
Listerine Site-Wise Interactive VR Experience
Jordan Maire
In this VR experience, dentists and dental hygienists are able to explore Listerine’s Site-wise analysis from inside the mouth. Using a handheld controller, the users can examine each tooth to discover the results. By revealing the data, the user can compare the combined effectiveness of mechanical methods with essential oil-containing mouth rinse, such as LISTERINE® Antiseptic, vs mechanical methods alone, in achieving site-specific, healthy gingival tissue.
Virtual Reality Cellscape Experience
XVIVO Scientific Animation and YouTube educator, Tyler DeWitt coupled with a generous grant from Google Making & Science Team have created Cellscape an immersive, educational 3D virtual reality tour that takes a look inside a human cell.
XVIVO’s Augmented and Virtual Reality Celluverse Experience
Jordan Maire
Step into the future of scientific exploration with XVIVO's AR and VR experience designed for the Oculus Quest 3. Our beautiful, immersive, and often snarky program takes you inside the intricate world of intracellular signaling, bringing medical concepts to life like never before.
It’s all about the biofilm. Over 700 different species are found in the human oral microbiome, growing, communicating and thriving in a complex, sticky biofilm community known as dental plaque. Dive into the biofilm with us as we explore the balance between the good and the bad bacteria, and how proper oral hygiene – brushing, cleaning between your teeth and rinsing – can help keep your dental biofilm thin and healthy!